(built February 2024)
Doon is a chatbot accessible through Telegram. It allows its users to set up sophisticated notifications which trigger based on Blockchain activity. It was built in Python and utilitzes a MySQL database.
Doon was built in a team of 4 for a 6-week apprenticeship called BCamp.
Since the apprenticeship was sponsored by Moon Wallet, we also worked with Moon's developing codebase to build a UI for Moon Wallet in the form of a DApp (decentralized application) which was used to showcase our product and allow users to pay for Doon's services using Ethereum.
In this project, I designed the chatbot's database and backend architecture, worked on the chatbot code, created the Moon Wallet UI for our website which involved communication with a professional working on the codebase, and was the Scrum master for our team.
(built April 2024)
A full stack application that recreates the functionality and styling of Notion.
To code this, I followed this tutorial by Code with Antonio.
(built March 2023)
AcademIQ is a Chrome extension that aims to aid the research process by finding and recommending the most relevant scholarly papers from arXiv.org to the webpage currently being viewed.
I worked in a team of four and was responsible for the front end of the project.
It was an entry in HackDartmouth VIII and won 3rd place!
Check it out here!This is my third iteration of a personal website created using Next.js.
For this website, the libraries I used to help design the front end included Flowbite and Swiper.